Thanks Lauren Trenta for the wonderful drawing of Hanson and Nadroj! Visit Lauren's site called: Artwork Ala' Hanson!
Enjoy the story everyone!
Taylor and Nadroj have more then blue eyes that bond them together! Another group of the beings, called the Faction from their friend's homeworld wants to find out the power that holds them together. Taylor is taken by the Faction in an attempt to find out the mystery and extreme power that Nodroj holds inside him and only through Taylor they think they will find the answer. Ike and Zac, with the help from their friends, must get their brother back at all costs or the world of their alien friends could be doomed forever!
Three Minds As One
The Ties That Bind Them
Only Time Will Tell
Check out my Awards For: Color Of Blue!
I hope you will enjoy this sequel just as much as: Three Minds As One! I rate it PG, because it does contain some violence, but no sexual situations. You have been warned! My Story is a work of pure fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of my imagination and are not real. Any resemblance to actual persons or events, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. I am NOT affiliated in any way with Hanson. So sit back and enjoy and good reading!
Copyright© 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,2003
This story may not be reprinted in any way, shape, or form without written permission from the author.
COLOR OF BLUE - The Sequel to Three Minds As One Started 3/20/00 and Finished 7/15/00.
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I want to thank all the people who have inspired and helped me in the writing of this story. First again to my loving beautiful twin sister, Monette, who let me read her each chapter at a time to her before posting and giving me ideas when writers block hit. And correcting me on any mistakes. Secondly Megan and Leah who were the inspiration behind certain characters in the story! And to all the Hanson fans who gave me the incouragement to go on through their wonderful compliments about loving this story. Thanks bunches!! Please sign my guestbook with your comments good or bad! I love hearing from you!

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