Graphic made by Monica Geist!
Enjoy the story everyone!
Disclamier: In no way am I connected to Hanson or Island Records and the work I've created is purely fictional, which means it's NOT TRUE! Now, to the good stuff! This story may be hard to follow at first because I start it out about three months after the events leading to where I start it. Does that make sense?? Well, if it doesn't, read it over one more time and lets hope that it does! This is a story about survival on an alien world with alien creatures, pain, and suffering. I'll rate it a PG to start with because I don't plan on having sexual content, but I plan on having adult themes such as beating, death, and war-like environments. Have fun reading the story, it's my first one so far, later on! Maulzgirl
Copyright© 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
This story may not be reprinted in any way, shape, or form without written permission from the author.
A NEW FOUND FREEDOM Started 8/15/00 and Finished 1/9/01.
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