by Monica Geist

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<-- My Words To Live By -->

Succeeding in art takes more then just skill in what you do. It's your state of mind in thought, expression and self discipline. Also it's who you are. Through my many years of creating art, I have come up with some words to live by. I would like to share them with you. I hope you find some encouragement in them when you feel the artistic block coming on.


1. If you feel strain coming on while you are doing a art work, just take a break and when you come back to your work you will feel refreshed and ready to dive in again.

2. Your toughest critic is yourself, so listen closely.

3. Never think your art ability has found perfection, because if you do you will stagnate. Always think I could be better. I can pull out more!

4. Don't let yourself be mad because a piece didn't work out. We all have our failures in life.

5. Always have a sense of humor about yourself.

6. Look what you can learn from other artist's. Don't look for what is wrong or say I am better then that artist. Art is in the eye of the beholder.

7. Don't find yourself being jealous of another artist because you think they are more talented then you. Be the best you can be.

8. Ask others questions on how they create their art. Learn, learn, learn!!!

9. If you feel like you have artist block, take a look at other artists masterpieces. It gives you inspiration.

10. Never call yourself a artist. Let others do that for you. 'Artist' is a great honor.

11. Don't worry about the critics. They don't matter. If you enjoy how you create and how you do it, that is all that matters.

12. Works of art that were the hardest for you to create are usually the best and most prized of all your masterpieces.

13. Always learn from your mistakes.

14. Have a positive attitude when talking about or showing your work.

15. Give praise where praise is due. When you see another artist who has done a great work of art, tell him or her because then others will do the same for you.

16. Never be a art snob. All styles are great!!

17. If your emotions and passion are in your work others will feel it too and enjoy viewing your art.

18. Guts and perserverance are the keys to success.

19. Become one with your picture, lose yourself. If you can then all that matters is the artwork and nothing can interfer with the creative process.

20. Never find the payment of a art piece so important, it is the joy of seeing the response they get from your work that is the most rewarding.

21. Watch your distance between features when you draw, because it is apart of capturing the likeness of the subject. Use the shadows between features to help guide you.


*Please Note: All artwork on this page is copyrighted and cannot be used in any way without express permission of Monica Geist!!