by Monica Geist

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<-- My Updates Page! -->

This page is to inform you of any updates added to any of my pages! So just read on .....


The most recent updates will be listed at top!

9/3/2005 - I have added another new pencil drawing to my Gallery page. It is called: Portrait of Mystery man! Check it out now!
Check out: My Art Gallery Page

1/9/2004 - I have compeletly revamped my whole site. I hope you enjoy the new look and feel of Portraits by Monica. Keep checking back for more!

12/10/2003 - I have added another new pencil drawing to my Gallery page. It is called: Portrait of The Weeks Family! Check it out now!
Check out: My Art Gallery Page

5/17/2003 - I have added three more new pencil drawings to my Gallery page. They are called: Portrait of Mandy Moore, Portrait of Jonny Lang, and Portrait of Adam Sandler! Check them out now!
Check out: My Art Gallery Page

1/12/2003 - I have added four more new pencil drawings to my Gallery page. They are called: Alex Band Singing, Jason and Lauren, Lucas, and Lester! Check them out now!
Check out: My Art Gallery Page


*Please Note: All artwork on this page is copyrighted and cannot be used in any way without express permission of Monica Geist!!