"Oh God! It hurts Alice! I can't do this!" Taylor moaned pitifully trying to do a sit up on the bench. His hip was burning with pain. "Taylor please try just one. I know you can do this." Alice consoled him as she stroked Taylor's hair gently. He pushed her hand away in anger. "No! I can't Alice! This is the way I am going to be! I will never walk normally again! Face it. I can't go any further then this!" Taylor shouted angrily staring up into Alice's shocked expression. "You mean to tell me you are going to give up!? Taylor I thought you were stronger then this. I know you have it in you to work toward walking again! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! I know all this therapy hurts very much! I told you in the beginning it was going to be grueling work to be normal again!" Alice yelled as the words stung Taylor deeply. "But..but I can't!" Taylor started to cry as he reached for his wheelchair and pulled it toward him. He started to sit up to slide into it. Alice ran around the bench and grabbed the chair from him. "Alice?! Give it back! I want to go!" Taylor yelled angrily watching Alice hold onto the chair stubbornly. "No Tay! I won't let you give up! Do you think Jason would want you too!?" "Jason?! What does he care!? I wanted him to be with me, but all he did was abandon me when I needed him the most!" Taylor cried angrily as the tears suddenly spilled over from his eyes. "No Taylor! He does care! I know he does!" Alice shouted back almost wanting to let him know that she and Jason were writing letters almost daily about his progress. "Alice let me please have my chair! PLEASE?!" Taylor begged as he got a hold of the chair and yanked it toward him out of Alice's hands. He quickly slipped into the chair and headed toward the door. "I'm sorry Alice. I..I..." Taylor stammered noticing Alice had a hurt and desperate expression covering her face. "Okay Taylor. Think about what you are saying. You have to realize that you will get better." Alice said sadly watching Taylor open the door and leave. She bent down and picked up the hot packs laying on the floor. Tears filled her eyes. She knew Taylor was falling into a deep depression. She only hoped he wouldn't give up, but in her heart she knew he was. His parents and brothers said he even was losing interest in the thing he loved the most. His music. He would just lay in his bed all day and stare at the ceiling. He hardly smiled anymore. She knew she had to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson about this situation. She worried about Taylor's mental state for the past few days. She would immediately write to Jason about this. She only hoped maybe he could think of something to do to give back hope to Taylor. << Previous Page of Story>> << Back to Story Page>> << Back To Index Of Chapters Page>> Back To Main Page>> |