*~The above artwork was done by me: Monica Geist~*
While surfing across the many Hanson pages out there, I have read some outstanding Poetry written about Hanson! So that is why I decided to create this contest for all the wonderful Hanson Poets out there that I have seen! So if you have a poem about Ike, Taylor, or Zac or Hanson or about any subject you want to express through poetry, it doesn't have to be about Hanson and feel it is worthy of a award then this is the contest for you! Just email me the Poetry you have written, your name and URL of your homepage if you have one and I will place it in the voting for "HANSON POETRY OF THE MONTH".
The December winner is: Little Alex!
Go check out the winning poetry on the Winners Page! Link is found below the voting poll on this page.
Each month 5 Poet's will be displayed here for voting. Don't worry if you aren't in the month's voting. Everyone will have their chance each month. There will be a waiting list and each month the next 5 entries by most recent date entered will be added to that month's poll. The Poetry will be displayed here for voting! You can only vote once a day for your favorite Poet to win the "Hanson Poetry Of The Month". At the end of the month all votes will be tallied and I will post the winner on "The Winners Page". The place to vote is below all the entries for the month. Good luck!
This contest also includes a 2nd and 3rd prize!! The first prize winner will be displayed on the winners page and the second and third prize winners will be listed below the first prize winner! Check out the winners page to see the prizes! Good luck everyone!
There will be a Poetry contest for the month of October! I have enough entries! So check back here next month everyone, for voting!
Vote for these poets for the month of October-2004!
Vote for Poet, Poet, Poet, Poet, and Poet for this month of (October)!
If you want your poetry in the November Hanson Poet of the month contest, just email your poetry to me by clicking: here! Remember they don't have to be about Hanson!
This poem was written by Poet!
The Poetry Goes Here
By Poet
This poem was written by Poet!
The Poetry Goes Here
By Poet
This poem was written by Poet!
The Poetry Goes Here
By Poet
This poem was written by Poet!
The Poetry Goes Here
By Poet
This poem was written by Poet!
The Poetry Goes Here
By Poet
Vote for your favorite poet below. Just click on the radio button next to the name you want to vote for and then click on the submit vote button. Thanks!
If you are having problems with the poll when you submit a vote you can Email me the vote for the "Hanson Poet of the Month"! Remember you can only vote once a day! If you are on your computer and you submit a vote for the day and then you want someone else to vote on the same computer, it can't be done, because your computer already saids it has voted for the day! So if you want someone different to vote, like your mother or father, just email their votes in and I will add them into your tally the next day! I hope this solves any problems or questions, you might be having!
Email votes added to poll count today (October 1st 2004-10:00 pm-CT) are: Poet: 0 Poet: 0 Poet: 0 Poet: 0 Poet: 0
Vote! Vote! Vote!
To view the winners and the awards you will receive just click on the links below.
Hanson Poet of the Month Winners Page Link
Hanson Poet of the Month Sample Awards Page Link

*Please Note: I have no connections with Hanson, or Hanson's Label. All art on this page is for enjoyment purposes only! No Art can be sold in Hanson's name! The art is mine! You may not copy it without my permission!! Please ask first!! Okay? Thanks!!