The day wore on as Ike and Zac were teaching the alien their language. He had a lot of words memorized now. Ike yawned feeling sleepy and hungry. "I am so tired." Ike stated. "Sleep Ike." The alien thought to Ike, cocking his head to the right, looking concerned. "I'm not tired. I want to teach him some more." Zac smiled, looking up at the alien who reached out petting his head softly. "Good Zac. Stay. Teach." The alien agreed contently. Ike nodded and got up heading over to the mattress and plopped down next to Taylor, who still slept soundly. "Hey what can I say?" Zac said, shrugging his shoulders, looking into the purple eyes that blinked slowly at him. "Say?" "Ummm... what else?" Zac tried to think of some more words. He looked up and smiled at the alien who gingerly touched his lips. "Why smile?" "We smile when happy." "How smile?" "Ummm... muscles in face." Zac thought trying to explain. "Muuscles?" "Mus..muscles. Makes movement." "Movement?" "Umm... movement." Zac showed him by moving his hands up and down. "Movement." The alien exclaimed as he understood, copying Zac's gesture with his hands. "Yes. Movement." "No smile. No muscle in face." The alien thought to Zac. "Zac sleep?" The alien questioned watching Zac yawn. "No. Teach." "Good. Zac." "What movement, you do, when happy?" Zac curiously asked. "Movement. No. Color." The alien turned a deep shade of gold with white lights. "Awesome!" Zac thought, watching the white lights dancing around him. "Awwesome?" "Umm... nice. I mean to say nice." Zac said, feeling a little frustrated using small words to express his point. "Zac sad?" "Sad. Little bit." "Why?" "Want... teach... you fast." Zac responded by pointing at him. The alien was amused by this creature named Zac. He felt his impatience growing in him. "Learn fast. Wait." The alien expressed, suddenly placing his hands gently on Zac's head feeling around. Zac felt a light buzzing sensation in his head. "What are you doing?" Zac asked out loud. "Find words in Zac head." Zac laughed at the statement. He found the alien to be very interesting. He wondered if it was really getting late. He felt extremely sleepy and he was very hungry, dreaming of a nice huge cheeseburger to eat. "Found the words in your head. Now I can speak to you." "Well why didn't you do that in the first place?" Zac thought rolling his eyes. "I needed to hear the basic language first." The alien stated, cocking his head slightly. "Oh." Zac said, yawning again, with his eyes starting to droop with sleepiness. "You go to sleep Zac." "But I want to ask you a million questions first!" "So do I Zac, but it can wait until you and your mates get some rest first. I need to rest too. I am very tired also, young one." "Mates? No, no they are my brothers." Zac chuckled. "What are brothers?" "We came from the same parents." Zac explained to him, wondering how to make him understand. The alien cocked his head to the right, turning a light shade of green, wanting to know them more. But that could wait the alien thought. "Zac go to your mates and rest now. I mean brothers?" Zac nodded his head agreeing with him. He got up and slowly walked over to where his brothers slept peacefully and sat down on the mattress, looking back at the alien smiling. The alien's skin turned to a golden shade in color, with the white lights again, showing him that he was content. Taylor bolted up on the mattress feeling disoriented. His head was pounding something awful. He turned and saw that Ike and Zac were sleeping. He didn't want to disturb them, while he slid quietly down to the end of mattress and slowly got up, wanting to go to the bathroom. His legs shook under him. He took a step and fell to the floor with a thud, landing on his knees and hands. "Oh God." Taylor muttered under his breath, wanting to cry, but held back the tears. He tried to get back on his feet when he felt the arms of the alien lift him up to a standing position. "Are you in pain Taylor one?" Taylor looked up at him with a shocked expression covering his face, forgetting the pain for a moment. "You can talk? You can understand me?" Taylor thought, grabbing his head as he let out a moan. "Yes. Your mate Zac taught me your words." "I have to go. I have to go to the bathroom." Taylor thought urgently to the being. "Bathroom? What is a bathroom image one?" "To relieve myself. I... I can't wait anymore. Please let me go." Taylor pleaded as the alien gently went into his mind trying to figure out what he needed. He saw an image form in a memory of Taylor's mind. He now understood what he wanted. "I will take you there. You are very weak Tay." The alien stated lifting him and carried him to the bathroom, where he knew Ike went yesterday. He carried him into the room and placed him down in front of the toilet. Taylor weakly looked up at him. "Umm... I need a little privacy here." Taylor thought, shyly looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Why? Go ahead image maker. You need me here in case you fall again." "But I... but I... can't do this in front of you." Taylor protested, swallowing hard, hoping he would understand. "Why?" The alien asked, cocking his head slightly, feeling confused by his need to be alone when doing this action. "Well at least turn around while I do it. Please?" Taylor pleaded with him. The alien did as he wanted and turned toward the other wall. Taylor relieved himself, feeling very sick as his headache grew worse. He finished noticing the alien was gazing down upon him. "I don't feel... feel so good." Taylor informed him, rocking slightly, as the alien caught him in his arms when he started to fall to the side. "I need to heal you some more image maker, Taylor." The alien said, swooping him up into his arms, knowing that the young one passed out. The alien hurried back to his mates. He brought him over to the mattress, gently placing him down near his brothers feet. He slid over to Zac and shook his shoulder gently. Zac woke up looking up at the alien curiously. << Previous Page of Story>> << Back To Index Of Chapters Page>> |