Welcome to my page!
Hi! Welcome to my Homepage. My name is Kathleen Canterbury and this page will be all about me! I am a aspiring actress and model wanting to promote and establish contacts in the pursuit of my acting and modeling career. But please take note I do not accept any pornographic acting or modeling jobs. I hope you enjoy my page. Just click on the links to the left to view my Portfolio of pictures (My Portfolio) or resume (My Resume) listing my talents and experience in the acting and modeling fields. Plus click on any of my other links for more info! Also feel free to sign my GUESTBOOK found on the bottom of this page or EMAIL me to tell me what you thought of my site! I sure would love to hear from you! (Email link found near bottom of page.)
Updated as of 11/30/2003. Check the updates page!!
All my pages were created by Monica Geist (My Cousin)! Thanks!

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Other links:
Kathy's (The Nine) Angelfire Homepage
Portraits By Monica
DoveCrye, An Actor's Site
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