So you want to see some great crafts that have been done by Hanson's fans? Well then this page is for you! You will see hand crafts, wall paintings, snow art, and so much more!
On this page I want to display all the Hanson crafts made by you! Such as painting walls with Hanson symbols, on cookie jars, quilts, sculpture ect. So if you have a photo of anything you made for or of Hanson and want me to post it on this page just email me with the photo as an attachment. And of course you will get full credit displayed on this page! Enjoy the Hanson Crafts everyone!
Pernille painted this Hanson logo on her wall:
Click on image for larger view!
Email Pernille!
Lori painted these Hanson portraits on her door:
Click on image for larger view!
Email Lori!
Erica and her mother made the Hanson quilt and the wind chime she made in art class:

Click on images for larger view!
Email Erica!
Veronica painted this Hanson mural on her door! It took her only three days to complete!
Click on image for larger view!
Email Veronica!
This is Elmoe's Hanson Key Chain! She made it with hemp and glass letter beads, and one bead with each Hanson color at the end! VERY COOL!
Click on image for larger view!
Email Elmoe!
This Hanson Lenolium Stamper was made by Shelly! The first pic is of the Stamp and the ones below are examples of the prints from the stamp! Isn't it AWESOME?

Click on images for larger view!
Email Shelly!
This is Jami's Hanson Bracelet! Here is a bracelet that Jami made over a year ago! It's weaved and it took her two days to finish it! A whole weekend! VERY AWESOME!
Click on image for larger view!
Email Jami!
This Hanson Logo was made by Kristen and Dana!! It took them a whole Saturday afternoon and a little bit after dinner to finish. They were bored at their camp and decided to have some fun! AWESOME!
Click on images for larger view!
Email Kristen or Dana!
Kira Tucker who is 14 years old and from CA made this Hanson logo in the snow! She was up at Pinecrest Lake, playing in the snow and decided to make this giant snow symbol tribute to HANSON!!! Isn't it COOL!!
Click on images for larger view!
Email Kira!
Barbie and her mom made two quilts for Ike, Taylor, and Zac and she got to give one, from 97, to the guys when she met them in June of '2000' and she threw the '2000' one to Zac at the Houston concert in August of 2000 (it landed DIRECTLY in his arms) and a friend spotted it on their tour bus! Aren't they BEAUTIFUL!
Click on images for larger view!
Email Barbie!
This sculpture of Taylor was made by Sarah! Isn't it GREAT?
Click on image for larger view!
Email !
These cross stitch works were made by Lynn! Here is what Lynn said about the two below:
These first two pictures are of a cross stitch I designed myself for Hanson in 1999. It took me exactly a year to finish it. I first had to make a penciled drawing of what I wanted it to look like. Then I had to graph it on a cross stitch graph to know where each stitch would go and the color. I started the first stitch on September 15th, 1998 (yes I marked it on the calendar because I wanted to see how long it would take me to finish it..LOL!) and I worked on it until the following September which was in 1999. When I realized it was September of the next year, I noticed that September 15th was coming up and also, I was just about finished the cross stitch. So I stayed up extra late on September 15th of 1999 and I finished the cross stitch!! No I did not plan it that way for it to be exactly a year, it just happened! I had no idea when I first started working on it that it would end up being exactly a year. Since the cross stitch was about the size of a poster, that's why it took that long to finish. But everything you will see on the cross stitch I thought up and designed and drew myself, then I graphed it, then stitched it. I really really enjoyed making it! Here are 2 pictures of the cross stitch I made for Hanson.

Click on images for larger view!
Email Lynn!
Lynn's Hanson Cross Stitch Creations Just click on the link to see more of Lynn's work!
This stitchery box was made by Jacqui (Bishy)! She made it for Hanson to give to them at the monroeville mall and it took her a whole week to make! She didn't get her chance to give it to them, but she did when she saw them at the Richmond concert in 2000! Isn't it GREAT? I also added Bishy's snow art to her section. Isn't it cool? Click on the pics for a larger view.
Click on image for larger view!
Email Jacqui!
This Hanson flower was made by Cindy! She drew this on her door with oil pastels! Isn't it GREAT?
Click on image for larger view!
Email Cindy!
These Hanson cookies were made by Megan for Sarah! Aren't they adorable?
Click on image for larger view!
Email Sarah!
This Hanson flower was made by Tammy Neil! Isn't it cool? Here is how she made it. She collected those little ads for the MON album and at first she didn't know what she was going to do with them. She sat down one day and The Hanson Flower was what she came up with.
Click on image for larger view!
Email Tammy!
*Please Note: I have no connections with Hanson, or Hanson's Label. All art on this page is for enjoyment purposes only! No Art can be sold in Hanson's name! The art is mine! You may not copy it without my permission!! Please ask first!! Okay? Thanks!!