On this page you will see a lot of fun stuff to do or see pretaining to Hanson, that I have found on the internet!
If you have anything that you want to advertise about Hanson, such as scrapbooks, quilt projects or just about anything fun, just email me your information and I will gladly post it here for you!
 | Special note: My Hanson drawing that was raffled off at the Fanfest on July 26th was won by Becka who is 10 years old and from Tulsa, OK! Congratulations Becka! Thanks to Ashley and Tammy for making this happen!! Just click this link to Tammy's page to read about her time at the FANFEST!
 | Check out Kaitlin's true story of how she met Hanson through her AWESOME drawing of Hanson! So go and click on the link below to read all about it! Check it out now at - Kaitlin's Site!
If you would like to see my drawing of Taylor and Natalie just click on the link below:
Congratulations Taylor and Natalie!
Hanson Tribute Project Magazine:
For well over 10 issues now, there is one thing most Hanson fans have had in common. That feeling of excitement, that had us checking our mailboxes eagerly to see if that next issue of MOE had arrived. We were united, as fans, in the MOE and got a glimpse into the wonders of Hanson.
This past summer Hanson announced that MOE would be discontinued after issue 12. In just a mere two issues, we will no longer have a fan magazine. But is that the way it should be?
The HTP is here to fill that empty void MOE will leave each and every one of us with. A new Hanson fan magazine, going under the name, the “HTP Magazine”, hopes to follow in MOE’s footsteps, and supply Hanson fans with their quarterly doses of 32 jam- packed pages of articles, pictures, artwork, interactive projects and what do you know, more pictures!
Following it’s predecessor, the 32 paged HTP Magazine will be printed by Tulsa Litho.
Leaving in our favourite bits from MOE, such as our own version of the Net Pick, the “Cyber Cyte” done by Becka Weisner (webmaster of Hanson Hotel) and a toon strip by Lauren Trenta and Jason Holm (aka Kodiak) we can assure you, there won’t be an empty space left!
We have recruited a very respectable team of talented writers, Laura Motta (Bright and Beautiful), Amanda Dupuis (aka Llamaesque) are just two of the many creative fans on the team.
Our motto, right from the very beginning, “By the Fans for the Fans”, is still guiding is strongly these days. Basically this means, we need each and every fan out there to get involved! We are accepting anything from encounter stories, to pictures and editorials, so don’t hesitate to send in your stuff, and who knows, it might be featured on one of our upcoming issues!
But it doesn’t end there, Hanson too, will stop by the HTP to talk about the latest from time to time and will send over more exclusives on occasion!
Our guest star on one of the upcoming issue’s is Michelle Branch, who was the opening act for Hanson at a few venues along the “This Time Around” Tour this past summer. We’ll be talking to Michelle about her new album, performing live and of course, Hanson!
Subscribe now, and get free membership to the HTP which will grant you access to our online member’s area the “Zone”, where more exclusives can be found and everything’s Hanson.
For more information on the HTP Magazine please visit our website: "www.htp-online.net"
or send us an email to: info@htp-online.net
With the very best of wishes,
The HTP Magazine Crew
Information on how to reach Hanson below:
Snail Mail:
Hanson Fan Club
P.O. Box 703136
Tulsa, OK 74170
Hanson Fan Club
P.O. Box 700510
Tulsa, OK 74170
Voice Mail:
(1-918-446-3979) This is a toll call - check with your parents first!
To E-mail Hanson:
Middle of Nowhere
Snowed In
3 Car Garage: The Indie Recordings, '95-'96
Hanson - Live From Albertane
Hanson - This Time Around
Hanson - Underneath Acoustic
"Where's the Love"
I Will Come to You"
"The River"
"This Time Around"
"If Only"
"Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere
"The Road to Albertane"
"Hanson At The Fillmore"
*Please Note: I have no connections with Hanson, or Hanson's Label. All art on this page is for enjoyment purposes only! No Art can be sold in Hanson's name! The art is mine! You may not copy it without my permission!! Please ask first!! Okay? Thanks!!