by Monica Geist

Designed by
Lauren Holm

<-- Hanson Games! -->

On this page you will find the answers to the puzzles from the Hanson Games page.


All answers to the puzzles below.

I hope you enjoyed the face scrambles of Hanson!
The answers are:

First Facescramble puzzle: Zac!
Second Facescramble puzzle: Tay!
Third Facescramble puzzle: Ike!

I hope you had fun solving the HANSON WORD SCRAMBLE!
The answers are:

shnona = Hanson
yrltoa = Taylor
aacis = Isaac
yaahrez = Zachary
krcal = Clark
kwrlae = Walker
niaad = Diana
ajsisec = Jessica
yvrae = Avery
kmceai = Mackie
oez = Zoe
drjnoa = Jordan
ompmbm = mmmbop
otru sdeat = tour dates
mrsud = drums
apnoi = piano
rtgaui = guitar
cuims = music
nsgos = songs
mweeosa = awesome
rwdie = weird
erd = red
ubel = blue
eregn = green
slnobde = blondes
reatbimnr = tamborine
reabantle = albertane
asrscme = screams
afsn = fans
ewcitk = wicket
ltasu = tulsa
hkalamoo = oklahoma
seereutuo = treehouse
asrertnneei = entertainers
sswgtnoirre = songwriters
nhmroay = harmony
ulos = soul
wleylo kwilae keltia = yellow walkie talkie
lyjlye nbsae = jelly beans
abrli = libra
cspsei = pisces
pcsooir = scorpio
mheo dholoces = home schooled
rcmryue rodersc = mercury records
omsrpeerrf = perfomers
ehert arc egagra = three car garage

I hope you had fun with the Hanson body parts game!
The answers are:

Body Part Game Answers

Back to Hanson Games Page

Hope you had fun!

*Please Note: I have no connections with Hanson, or Hanson's Label. All art on this page is for enjoyment purposes only! No Art can be sold in Hanson's name! The art is mine! You may not copy it without my permission!! Please ask first!! Okay? Thanks!!